Early Church History in the British Isles Land Tour


Early Church History in the British Isles Land Tour

14-Day Land Tour

07/20/2024 - 08/02/2024

$3,995 per person based on double occupancy if paying with cash, check or ACH payment.
$4,115 per person based on double occupancy if paying by debit or credit card.
$5,195 for single occupancy if paying with cash, check or ACH payment.
$5,351 for single occupancy if paying by debit or credit card.
Tips are required for the bus driver and guide and should be paid on the last day of the tour.
You should plan to tip at least 40 GBP per person for the driver and a minimum of 65 GBP per person for Peter Fagg, our LDS tour guide.
Payment Schedule
  • $250 per person due at time of booking (deposit is non-refundable – it can be transferred to another person on the same tour date. We will attempt to find someone to take your spot if you cancel but we cannot guarantee it).
  • Final Payment: Final payment is due three months before the tour departure date.

Cancellation Policy

  • If you cancel: Deposit is non-refundable; however, it is transferable to another guest on a new booking, traveling on the same tour date. After final payment, the full amount is non-refundable. If you cancel and you can find someone to take your spot, we will refund the deposit. If we have a waiting list, we will refund your deposit by placing someone in your spot.
  • If we cancel the tour: Deposit is non-refundable if we cancel due to a pandemic or political unrest; however, it can be transferred to any other land tour or kept as a future tour credit to be used at any time on one of our advertised tours (cannot be transferred to a cruise). The balance will be refunded or applied to a future tour as a credit. If we cancel for any other reason, the deposit will be refunded.
  • The only way to avoid trip cancellation penalties is to buy trip cancellation insurance. If you are interested in the insurance, we can help you purchase it.

A minimum number of 20 passengers is needed for this tour to depart.

Check Your Invoice Names: Please check to see that your names are spelled correctly. Your first and last names must appear as they appear on your passport for International travel and Driver’s License for domestic tours.

PASSPORTS ARE REQUIRED and should be valid 6 months after the end of the tour.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the nature of this tour, you must be able to climb stairs and walk unassisted at a moderate pace. We will be walking 4-6 miles per day.

Please note that minor changes to the itinerary may occur due to local conditions and to better accommodate our group.


Join Peter Fagg, a licensed Blue Badge guide and British historian, on an unforgettable 12-night
adventure. You spend your days exploring Scotland, England and Wales as you learn about sites
important to the early history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Among these are
Vauxhall Chapel, Gadfield Elm, River Ribble, the Preston Temple and Benbow’s Farm. You also visit
well-known locations such as Edinburgh Castle, the Royal Mile, St. Andrews, Stirling’s Castle, Hadrian’s
Wall, the Lake District, Liverpool, Oxford and London. Peter will point out many locations made famous
by the Harry Potter series, J.R.R. Tolkien and other renowned authors and movies. Prepare to be
spiritually uplifted as you learn about many of the miracles that took place in the United Kingdom.


Day 1 : Depart Home

July 20, 2024 (Saturday)

Depart for Edinburgh, Scotland. Overnight on the trans-Atlantic flight.

Day 2 : Edinburgh, Scotland

July 21, 2024 (Sunday)

Arrive at the Edinburgh, Scotland Airport. We meet our guide, Peter Fagg. Our luggage is loaded onto our coach. We begin on foot as we step into the charm of Edinburgh’s Old Town. We weave in and out of the Royal Mile as we learn of Covenanters, John Knox and the Scottish Reformation. We see sites familiar to those who love Harry Potter including Greyfriars Bobby and a grave that must not be named. We take an evening stroll up Calton Hill to get an overview of the city and our journey together. We overnight in Edinburgh.

Day 3 : Edinburgh, Scotland

July 22, 2024 (Monday)

We begin our day by exploring the imposing Edinburgh Castle with its Crown Jewels, Stone of Scone, prisons, war memorials, State Rooms and King James Bible beginnings. In the afternoon, we head down the Royal Mile past St Giles Cathedral and its special grave. You get to spit on the pavement (should you feel the urge), puzzle over the Scottish Parliament building, and then run for sanctuary. We visit Holyrood Palace – still a Royal Palace and full of royal splendour, intrigue and scandal! Optional: for those whose feet can take it we end our day with a climb to Arthur’s Seat to relive Orson Pratt’s Scottish mission and learn of the first Scottish missionary efforts of Alexander Wright and Samuel Mulliner, and learn why this is the birthplace of the Articles of Faith. Overnight in Edinburgh. (B)

Day 4 : Stirling, Roslyn, and Edinburgh, Scotland

July 23, 2024 (Tuesday)

We head out of Edinburgh to Stirling. Stirling Castle’s striking location overlooked the constant battle ground between England and Scotland for centuries. We learn of the exploits of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce in the Battle of Stirling Bridge and the Battle of Bannockburn. Witness how James V changed the Royal Palace into a public relations masterpiece. We also uncover the religious story of the unicorn tapestries and the lost football. It was here, after visiting the castle, that David O. McKay, as a young Elder, found a meaningful direction to life. We find some modern recreations of his 'crisis stone'. Next, we visit Roslyn Chapel - a “medieval treasure in stone” and a great sampling of pre-Reformation decoration. Founded in 1446 this quaint little church, with intricate carvings and intriguing legends, came to the mass public’s attention due to Dan Brown’s book – The Da Vinci Code. We return to Edinburgh for some free time to shop for kilts, bagpipes and tartan galore! Overnight in Edinburgh. (B,D)

Day 5 : St. Andrews and Edinburgh, Scotland

July 24, 2024 (Wednesday)

We begin our walkabout on the beach with a classic view of St. Andrews made famous in the Chariots of Fire movie. Besides being famous as the home of golf we also learn of the town’s famous martyrs, visit their martyrdom sites, and explore the ruins of its ancient castle and monastic ruin. This community played a huge part in the Scottish Reformation and many paid dearly for their involvement. The evening is yours to explore the city. Again, for those not wanting to venture out alone, there is the option of an evening stroll around the New Town where the architecture has a much neater, uniform feel. Overnight in Edinburgh. (B)

Day 6 : Hadrian’s Wall, Alston and Lake District, England

July 25, 2024 (Thursday)

We have a fair bit of travelling today, but we’ll be travelling through great countryside in the Scottish Borders, Northumberland National Park, and along parts of Hadrian’s Wall. Hadrian’s Wall became the northern edge of the mighty Roman Empire. We visit the remains of Housesteads Roman Fort and consider the impact of the Italian nation. One of the Empire’s incoming goods was Christianity. This out of the way village, the highest market town in England, made a huge contribution to the beginnings of the first LDS mission to Britain. A few families listened to some promptings and set significant wheels in motion long before the first seven missionaries arrived in 1837. This is the beginnings of the Toronto miracle with Parley P. Pratt. This was also one of the first places our 1837 missionaries visited after Preston. Overnight in Grasmere or Keswick. (B,D)

Day 7 : Lake District, England

July 26, 2024 (Friday)

The Lake District is famous for its beautiful lakes and mountains, but today we discover it also provided the beginnings of a Toronto miracle, helped save the Doctrine and Covenants, and created some great forerunners: Quakers, Romneys, William Wordsworth, and John Ruskin. We start with a morning stroll through Grasmere village to see Dove Cottage where Britain’s best loved Victorian poet William Wordsworth began his married life, where three of his children were born, and where some of his best poetry was written. He is the last of the Romantic poets and had two direct links with the LDS church. We take a cruise on Lake Windermere - the largest of all the lakes - to see the beauty of this area from a different angle. We visit some John Taylor sites where he was born, christened, worked and lived, and get to see the Taylors’ last home before the whole family emigrated to Canada. This is a valley of more than one Champion of Liberty. Overnight in Chorley. (B.D)

Day 8 : Preston, Ribble Valley

July 27, 2024 (Saturday)

Our day starts on the immaculately landscaped grounds of the Preston Temple site where we learn of the tender mercies that made its construction possible. We wander the streets of the City of Preston - The birthplace of British Mormonism - to follow in the footsteps of the first LDS missionaries to Britain and discover Joseph Smith's dentist, the cursed stone, the 1842 riot, the powerful Reverend Wilson, Heber C. Kimball's amazing prophecy, LDS shorthand, and the Deseret Alphabet. We visit all of the well-known sites including their lodgings (a host of evil spirits attacked them), the River Ribble (where the first British baptisms took place, the Vauxhall Chapel Site (where they first preached) and the cockpit site (where the first British Conference was held in 1837). We explore some of the delights of the Ribble Valley - still looking much the same as Heber C. Kimball and Joseph Fielding saw it in 1837. We drive through beautiful English countryside and find the delightful villages of Ribchester, Chatburn and Downham and relive some of the most touching encounters of their missionary labours. These Quaint stone villages, and rolling green hills inspired J.R.R. Tolkien when writing The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Arthur Conan Doyle lived here as a young boy and his creation of Sherlock Holmes was influenced by these valleys and has an unusual LDS twist. We dine tonight in a favourite watering hole in the shadow of Pendle Hill. Overnight in Chorley. (B,D)

Day 9 : Liverpool/Potteries

July 28, 2024 (Sunday)

Liverpool, the Gateway to the New World. Liverpool served as the arrival point for hundreds of missionaries and the departure point for thousands of emigrants as they gathered to Zion throughout the 19th century. We take a tour around this famous city which, besides its LDS history, has had a long association with America (including slaves, cotton, and the claim that the first and final acts of the American Civil War took place here!). We visit the beautifully restored Albert Docks where we learn more about the life of an emigrant, see the Sea Trek monument, and discover a host of famous LDS names. In the heart of the Potteries we visit Middleport and experience the world of china with working workshops and giant bottle kilns - and discover the horrors of a Victorian potter’s life. We learn how Wilford Woodruff’s china gift for his wife Phoebe was not quite as perfect as he had hoped. Of particular note is how this area was the springboard for the United Brethren story we experience tomorrow. Overnight in Ledbury. (B,D)

Day 10 : United Brethren

July 29, 2024 (Monday)

We discover sites made famous by Wilford Woodruff and the United Brethren. We visit Benbow’s farm and Castle Frome, and learn of the faith and sacrifice of John and Jane Benbow and the lesser-known Kington family. This is a tale of miracle after miracle. We visit the medieval market town of Ledbury where we meet William Carter - Utah’s first ploughman, and a welcoming Baptist church. We follow in the footsteps of Wilford Woodruff, Willard Richards and Brigham Young to the top of the Herefordshire Beacon for a very important meeting. We get a sense of the influence of these early converts after they emigrate to join the saints in Nauvoo. We meet up with the likes of Thomas Kington – the head of the United Brethren, William Pitt, the musical convert, James Palmer, a remarkable missionary, and many others. The stories on this tour demonstrate the faith of these early converts as they witness miracles and persecutions unfold in their tiny villages. Included is a special visit to the restored Gadfield Elm chapel – Britain’s first LDS owned meeting place and an iconic symbol of the United Brethren’s story. Overnight in Ledbury. (B,D)

Day 11 : South Wales

July 30, 2024 (Tuesday)

South Wales was once a massive coal and iron producing area, and the scars of that industry are only gradually starting to fade. This as the backdrop for “How Green Was my Valley” and we witness how this industrial landscape provided a fertile ground for the Restored Gospel message. We begin our day with a visit to Big Pit OR the Iron works where we sense how men, women, children and pit ponies dug for black gold. We follow in the footsteps of Dan Jones and a host of Welsh converts. We continue with a drive through the Merthyr Tydfil area on route to St Fagans National History Museum where we visit the whole of Welsh history in one spot! Over 40 original buildings from throughout the nation has been carefully reconstructed and preserved allowing us to walk through the wide spectrum of Welsh history. One of Europe’s leading open-air museums and Wales’ most popular heritage attraction. Here we see non-conformity, industry and rural life merged as a backdrop to our story. Overnight in Cardiff. (B,D)

Day 12 : Oxford, England

July 31, 2024 (Wednesday)

We explore Oxford. This tour winds its way through the streets of Oxford, through stately colleges and grassy meadows, to discover some of the Noble and Great Ones. We track the history back to the beginnings of Oxford, to the time of the miraculous Frideswide, and then build layer upon layer of famous name after famous names including Henry VIII, Cardinal Wolsey, Lewis Caroll, C.S. Lewis, John Ruskin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Thomas More, Samuel Johnson and many more. We learn the history behind the iconic images of the Radcliffe Camera, the Divinity School, Bodleian Library, and the Ashmolean Museum and discover the influential John Wycliffe and his nemesis Richard Fleming, the tragic ending of the Oxford Martyrs, and the founding of Wesley’s Holy Club. Throw in some Hobbits and Orcs, Lions and Wardrobes, Green Eggs and Ham, and tonnes of pilchard; mix in a plethora of Prime Ministers, a remarkable balloon flight, a penicillin breakthrough, a four-minute mile, the King James Bible, Halley’s Comet, Harry Potter, My Fair Lady and you have the beginnings of a splendid stroll through the city! Overnight in London. (B)

Day 13 : London, England

August 1, 2024 (Thursday)

We start in Southwark where, as we follow the footsteps of Wilford Woodruff, Heber C. Kimball and George A.Smith, we also uncover Charles Dickens and the Mormons, John Lathropp and the clink, and Shakespeare and the Globe. We cross the Thames (on a bridge destroyed by death Eaters!) and ascend to the majestic St. Paul’s Cathedral. A visit around St Paul’s (we don’t go in) awes you with its famous dome and impressive architecture. We cross paths with kings, queens, martyrs, missionaries, reformers, playwrights. We hear of Wilford Woodruff’s visit and the significance of Stationer’s Hall for our LDS scriptures. Bunhill Fields - this famous non-conformist burial ground is the burial place of many of the notable non conformists, but we have come here to see the Wesley home and tabernacle - the UK Methodist equivalent of Temple square in Salt Lake City or the Vatican in Rome. Wilford Woodruff visited here and recorded some frustrated feelings. We learn of George Whitefield, his Tabernacle and Tabernacle Square and witness the first opening for the first LDS missionaries to London. We learn of the tender mercies that allowed them to gain their first London converts. Our tour ends visiting the London Temple. We learn of its history and impact on the British saints and local area. Overnight in London. (B,D)

Day 14 : Arrive Home

August 2, 2024 (Friday)

Board your flight in London and arrive at home. (B)



12 nights hotel accommodations
Meals as specified in the itinerary
Deluxe air-conditioned motor coach transportation
Taxes on included services
Entrance fees for items not listed as optional


Transportation from London hotel to airport at end of the tour
Meals not specified in the itinerary
Items of personal nature
Trip cancellation and baggage insurance
Bus Driver & Tour Guide gratuities


$3,995 per person based on double occupancy if paying with cash, check or ACH payment.
$4,115 per person based on double occupancy if paying by debit or credit card.
$5,195 for single occupancy if paying with cash, check or ACH payment.
$5,351 for single occupancy if paying by debit or credit card.
Tips are required for the bus driver and guide and should be paid on the last day of the tour.
You should plan to tip at least 40 GBP per person for the driver and a minimum of 65 GBP per person for Peter Fagg, our LDS tour guide.
Payment Schedule
  • $250 per person due at time of booking (deposit is non-refundable – it can be transferred to another person on the same tour date. We will attempt to find someone to take your spot if you cancel but we cannot guarantee it).
  • Final Payment: Final payment is due three months before the tour departure date.

Cancellation Policy

  • If you cancel: Deposit is non-refundable; however, it is transferable to another guest on a new booking, traveling on the same tour date. After final payment, the full amount is non-refundable. If you cancel and you can find someone to take your spot, we will refund the deposit. If we have a waiting list, we will refund your deposit by placing someone in your spot.
  • If we cancel the tour: Deposit is non-refundable if we cancel due to a pandemic or political unrest; however, it can be transferred to any other land tour or kept as a future tour credit to be used at any time on one of our advertised tours (cannot be transferred to a cruise). The balance will be refunded or applied to a future tour as a credit. If we cancel for any other reason, the deposit will be refunded.
  • The only way to avoid trip cancellation penalties is to buy trip cancellation insurance. If you are interested in the insurance, we can help you purchase it.

A minimum number of 20 passengers is needed for this tour to depart.

Check Your Invoice Names: Please check to see that your names are spelled correctly. Your first and last names must appear as they appear on your passport for International travel and Driver’s License for domestic tours.

PASSPORTS ARE REQUIRED and should be valid 6 months after the end of the tour.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Due to the nature of this tour, you must be able to climb stairs and walk unassisted at a moderate pace. We will be walking 4-6 miles per day.

Please note that minor changes to the itinerary may occur due to local conditions and to better accommodate our group.


Peter lives in the North West of England with his wife Nicola and their six children. He has been conducting guided tours for 27 years and delights in showing visitors the many splendours of England, Scotland and Wales. Some of his favourite tour themes are church history, literary connections and reformers, and he loves sharing the hidden parts of this ‘green and pleasant land.’
Reserve Your Spot Now

Early Church History in the British Isles Land Tour - 14-Day Land Tour


*Reservation will be confirmed once deposit is received and you receive and email confirmation.